Customers are responsible for preparing the site to be captured.
Please have the site ready to be scanned at the agreed time.
Stage the Site
Stage the site to create the best Matterport model with the fewest issues. You want to ensure the property is beautiful and unchanging from the first scan to the last.
If the property has been damaged in an accident and this service is to document the damage is not necessary to Stage the Site or Clean Up. It is actually better if the site is left undisturbed.
Turn on all lights and open window blinds to improve visibility
Clean Up
Clean organize and arrange the site to Make your property appear exactly as you want it to look in 3D Showcase.
Hide personal things you want kept private – like personal documents, or an open wallet on the counter.
Keep every object and piece of furniture in place. This includes chairs, doors, blinds, and items strewn about – moving objects will cause alignment errors and should be avoided whenever possible.
Avoid moving objects
Keep every object and piece of furniture in place This includes chairs, doors, blinds, and items strewn about – (moving objects will cause alignment errors and should be avoided whenever possible.
Pets, people, ceiling fans, a robot vacuum – anything that moves freely through your space can cause alignment errors. Placed pets outside and advise others on the property to spend time in a different room while the camera is scanning.